- EBARA Timeline
- Fluid Machinery and Systems Business Timeline
- Environmental Engineering Business Timeline
- Precision Machinery Business Timeline
1920s to 1940s
Building our foundations
EBARA Corporation traces its origins to the foundation of the Inokuty Type Machinery Office in 1912. It has been taking on social and technological challenges with a spirit of passion and dedication (Netsu to Makoto) ever since. EBARA has developed and supplied to society many products, including fans and chillers, as well as pumps, becoming the first to produce many of those products in Japan.
Founding of Inokuty Type Machinery Office
Issey Hatakeyama founded the Inokuty Type Machinery Office with the goal of providing excellent products based on the centrifugal pump theory of world-renowned engineer, Dr. Ariya Inokuty.
Issey Hatakeyama, founder
Establishment of first plant in Nippori, Tokyo
Order received for record-breaking large-scale pumps for Tokyo's Asakusa Tamachi pump station
EBARA received an order for centrifugal pumps with a diameter of 1,140 mm, which was a record breaking size at the time. The pumps, each weighing over 20 tons, machined in a small local workshop that had no crane facilities. The painstaking efforts to complete the pumps involved chiseling the flange surfaces by hand and drilling holes with hand drills, as well as assembling and testing them on site. One of these pumps can be found on the premises of EBARA's head office as a monument symbolizing the spirit of "Netsu to Makoto (Passion and Dedication)."
Establishment of EBARA CORPORATION
Inokuty Type Machinery Office changed its name to EBARA CORPORATION with the intention of expanding its business to include other products besides the Inokuty pump. At the same time, it built Japan's first plant for the exclusive manufacture of pumps. The Osaki Plant was established in Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-machi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo.
Change of Trademark
The EBARA logo was designed by combining the character “荏“ (the “E” in “EBARA”) with a pattern representing a centrifugal pump impeller.
Start Manufacturing blowers and fans Sale of EBARA's first centrifugal blower
Production of the first axial-flow pump in Japan
Vertical axial pump with 400-mm diameter
Launch of production of pumps in Japan for city water
After making continuous efforts to promote the use of domestically-produced pumps, EBARA was given the opportunity to compare it with foreign products at the Yodobashi purification plant in Tokyo and successfully proved that the performance of its pumps was on par with that of the foreign products. It consequently launched domestic production of pumps for city water.
Completion of Japan's first production of centrifugal chillers
Completion Japan's first development of rapid filters for city waterworks
Construction of new Haneda Plant and relocation of Head Office and manufacturing operations there
Establishment of Kawasaki Plant
Commitment to post-War reconstruction
As a company that supports infrastructure, EBARA contributed to increasing the production of food, iron, and coal that were required for Japan's recovery. In addition to large-scale pumps for agriculture, EBARA conducted mass production and delivery of pumps and salt production equipment for the expansion of food production, to support the rebuilding of Japan after the War.
1950s to 1970s
Meeting technological needs
During Japan's phases of economic recovery and rapid growth, EBARA faced an ever-increasing demand for advanced technologies from its customers. To respond to this demand, it strived to develop new products and technologies. It also made efforts to extend its business into other segments, such as the compressors and turbines business, by actively introducing advanced technologies. In addition, it worked to develop products and technologies necessary for social infrastructure such as water and sewerage systems, rainwater drainage facilities, and waste incinerators, all of which were required to create a better society to live in.
Introduction of technology through partnerships with other companies
Establishment of EBARA-Infilco Co., Ltd. (50-50 joint venture with Infilco Inc. of the United States) for water treatment systems. A technical tie-up was executed with the Byron Jackson Pump Division of Borg-Warner Corporation of the United States for high pressure pumps (horizontal-barrel type).
Launch of plan for expansion of small pumps business through standardization and mass production
EBARA formulated a new concept for the mass production and sale of standard pumps, by standardizing the process of design and production of small pumps. The first standard pump was developed in 1956. Eventually, the product line was expanded to include multi-stage and submersible pumps.
Foundation of Ebara Griesheim, Ltd. (precursor of today's EBARA Densan)
Entry into the waste treatment plant business
EBARA entered the waste treatment plant business with the delivery of its first stoker-type waste incinerator.
Receipt of order for first absorption chiller
Full-scale entry into overseas markets and expansion of exports
EBARA opened its first post-World War II overseas sales office in Bangkok, signifying the start of its expansion into overseas markets in line with the progress in trade liberalization.
Establishment of Ebara Service Co., Ltd.
Ebara Service Co., Ltd., was established to provide enhanced after-sales service for EBARA's products. After changing its name to Ebara Techno-serve Co., Ltd. in 2000, the company was merged into EBARA Corporation in 2012.
Construction of Fujisawa Plant
With the construction of its Fujisawa Plant, EBARA established Japan's first system for mass production of standard pumps. The Fujisawa Plant also began producing chillers the following year, and now manufactures a variety of product lines, including semiconductor-related devices.
Establishment of Ebara Koki Co., Ltd., (precursor of today's EBARA Fan & Blower Co., Ltd.)
Entry into technical cooperation with Elliott Company of US for centrifugal gas compressors and steam turbines
Entry into business of compressors for petroleum refining/petrochemical industry
Sale of first supercritical pressure feed water pump produced in Japan
Foundation of Ebara-Byron Jackson Ltd.
EBARA entered the field of circulation pumps for nuclear power plants.
Establishment of EBARA's first post-War overseas production facility, Ebara Indústrias Mecánicas e Comércio Ltda. (precursor of EBARA BOMBAS AMÉRICA DO SUL LTDA.), in Brazil.
Construction of Sodegaura Plant
EBARA established the Sodegaura Plant in the city of Sodegaura, Chiba Prefecture, with the goal of expanding its compressors and turbines business.
Establishment of P.T. Ebara Indonesia as Southeast Asian production base for standard pumps.
Establishment of Ebara International Corporation in the United States as North American base for pumps business.
1980s to 2000s
Spreading our technologies
EBARA developed a new business segment centered on semiconductor production that supports advanced information society, as well as new products and technologies that meet the needs of society by saving energy and reducing the burden on the environment. As emerging nations have become the drive in the global economy, EBARA's business has continued to spread across the globe.
Establishment of current corporate logo
With the transition from rapid to stable economic growth, the structure of society started to change. EBARA also undertook structural reforms designed to change old practices in an effort to respond to those social changes and created a new corporate logo as a way to refresh its corporate image. This logo is still in use today.
Delivery of first unshredded refuse incinerator (TIF Incinerator)
Entry into precision machinery business
Initiation of new businesses project for semiconductor industry EBARA delivered its first root-type dry vacuum pumps the following year, 1986.
Integration of Kawasaki Plant into Fujisawa Plant
Start of sales of absorption-type (dry) exhaust abatement systems
Establishment of Ebara Italia S.p.A. (currently Ebara Pumps Europe S.p.A.) in Italy as European production based for standard pumps
Delivery of first internally circulating fluidized-bed boiler (ICFB)
Delivery of first bump plating system
Establishment of Ebara Technologies Incorporated in the United States as North American base for precision machinery business
Delivery of first CMP system
Establishment of EBARA QINGDAO CO., LTD. in China as base for boiler production
Merger with Ebara-Infilco Co., Ltd. and transition to three-business structure, namely Fluid Machinery and Systems, Environmental Engineering, and Precision Machinery
Establishment of Ebara Precision Machinery Europe in Germany
Establishment of Ebara Hai Duong Company Ltd. (precursor of today's Ebara Vietnam Pump Company Limited) as a production and sales base for pumps in Vietnam
Establishment of Yantai Ebara Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd.
Establishment of Ebara Field Tech. Corporation as service company for Precision Machinery Business
Establishment of EBARA Precision Machinery Taiwan Inc. as a base for Precision Machinery Business in Taiwan
Establishment Shanghai Ebara Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. as based for Precision Machinery Business in China
Integration of general machinery sales division and Ebara Service to establish Ebara Techno-serve Co., Ltd.
Acquisition of Elliott Company in U.S. as a wholly owned subsidiary
Establishment of Ebara Kyushu Co., Ltd. (precursor of today's Kumamoto District)
Spin-off of compressors and turbines business into separate company, Elliott Ebara Turbomachinery Corporation
Spin-off of chillers business into separate company, Ebara Refrigeration Equipment & Systems Co., Ltd.
Establishment of Ebara Great Pumps Co., Ltd. as base for production and sales of API pumps in China
Establishment of Ebara Boshan Pumps Co., Ltd. as base for production and sales of large-scale, high pressure pumps in China
Establishment of Ebara Machinery (China) Co., Ltd., as base for production and sales of standard pumps in China
Transition to three in-house company system
Cumulative total of standard pumps produced at Fujisawa Plant reaches 15 million
Reorganization of Environmental Engineering Business and integration into waste treatment plant business of EBARA Environmental Plant Co., Ltd.
Establishment of new Futtsu Plant in Chiba Prefecture as global pump production base and transfer of functions of the Haneda Plant there
Establishment of joint venture, Ebara Engineering Service Co., Ltd. (currently Swing Corporation), between EBARA Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, and JGC Corporation, as global general water business company
Cumulative total of dry vacuum pumps produced at Fujisawa Plant reaches 100,000 units
Merger of Ebara Elliott and Elliot Company in U.S.
Merger of Ebara Technoserve Co., Ltd., Ebara Yoshikura Hydro-Tech Co., Ltd., and Ebara Environmental Technologies Hokkaido Co., Ltd. into EBARA Corporation
100th anniversary celebration
2010s to present
Surpassing 100 years
Further expanding into overseas markets and pursuing technological development as a global company that supports not only Asia but the entire world, EBARA continues in its day-to-day efforts to support society, industry, and everyday life for the next 100 years.
Establishment of Ebara Pumps Middle East FZE in the United Arab Emirates as a sales and service base for pumps in the Middle East.
Cumulative total of compressors shipped by EBARA Elliott reaches 1,000 units
Acquisition of PT. Turbindo Chikara Surya (now PT. Ebara Turbomachinery Services Indonesia), an Indonesian company that provides maintenance services for rotating machinery
Acquisition of Brazilian pump manufacturer, Thebe Bombas Hidraulicas S.A. (currently Ebara Bombas America do Sul Ltda.)
30th anniversary of EBARA's precision machinery business
Completion of construction of new semiconductor manufacturing plant and maintenance service factory for dry vacuum pumps in Kumamoto District
Establishment of Ebara Bombas Colombia S.A.S. as base for pumps business in Colombia
Cumulative total of CMP systems shipped reaches 2,000 units
Establishment of new pump plant for Ebara Vietnam Pump Company Limited in Vietnam
Establishment of Ebara Pumps Saudi Arabia LLC as based for pumps business in Saudi Arabia
Establishment of Corporate Brand Statement
EBARA established a brand statement as its “Global One Message” that expresses the corporate attitude of the EBARA Group in the future of “Moving forward and higher” with an eye for competition and challenge.
Establishment of Ebara Pumps South Africa (Pty) Ltd as a base for the pumps business in the Republic of South Africa
Number of cumulative dry vacuum pumps shipped from Fujisawa Plant reaches 150,000 units
Establishment of new automated plant for dry vacuum pumps in Fujisawa District
Launch of "eDYNAMiQ", EBARA's standard pump technology brand
EBARA developed a brand for our standard pump technology from a desire to convey our passion for our diverse technologies to customers in an easily understood way.
Establishment of Components Development and Innovation Center at Fujisawa District
EBARA Invests in Spiber Inc. and Forms Business Tie-Up in Field of Structural Protein Material Manufacturing
EBARA Forms Capital and Business Tie-Up with Regional Fish Institute, Ltd.
Ebara Pumps Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Established in Mexico as Pump Sales and Service Base for North and Central America
EBARA Begins Sales of Solar Pumps in Brazil
Knock Down Center Begins Operations in Vietnam
EBARA CORPORATION has begun operations at Knock Down Center, which was established to carry out the assembly of standard pump products, in Vietnam in order to enhance the competitiveness of its Standard Pumps Business in overseas markets.
EBARA acquired Çiğli Su Teknolojileri A.Ş. the parent company of Vansan Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., a Turkish pump manufacturer, and Vansan Makina Montaj ve Pazarlama A.Ş.
EBARA Begins Operations at Dry Vacuum Pump Overhaul Factory
EBARA Precision Machinery Europe has begun operations at its new overhaul factory for dry vacuum pumps in Dresden, Germany.