Issue No. 255〔Special edition〕
Introduction of papers on EOL
In 2010, Ebara Corporation established new research systems, such as EOI and EOL, and has been conducting research and development in its own way to improve its fundamental technologies and product competitiveness.
This article introduces six papers selected from the studies performed at EOL with more detailed descriptions.
“Numerical Study of Criteria Proposed by Ohashi and Akimoto” is a basic study and numerical analysis of unstable phenomena caused by cavitation in pumps, key products of Fluid Machinery and Systems Company. Prediction and control of cavitation are one of the most important fundamental technologies for the pump business. Since EOI was established, studies on cavitation have been continued through industry-academia collaboration in various academic fields such as fluids, structure and strength, and materials.
“A Study of Morphological Design in an Industrial Vertical Multistage Pump” is about the embodiment of a product concept that applied for the first time in the industry a new design technique developed mainly by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to optimize the form of a turbo pump rotor system for rockets to obtain good vibration stability (location arrangement of mechanical elements, such as impellers, bearings, and seals).
“A Research Outlook on Turbulent Vortex Control in Pump Sump” discusses the latest efforts for active turbulence control by using a combination of high-accuracy analysis of turbulence and data science, taking examples of submerged vortices in a pump sump. This study aims to obtain cutting-edge technologies in the aerospace field through collaborative research with Florida State University.
“Development or Diagnosis Technology for Wear State of Oil Lubricated Bearings” aims to specify causes of lubricant degradation for development of easy and accurate lubrication diagnostic methods for failure prediction, using Ebara’s analytical sciences. Underlying this research have been the following factors: a number of requests for denaturation and component analysis of lubricants used for Ebara products to Instrumental Analysis Section, and recent increased demand for proactive maintenance.
“Development of Multifunction Electro Plating Analysis System Using Boundary Element Method” describes development of a simulation program capable of high-accuracy electroplating analysis by using the boundary element method, in order to determine the conditions for even film thickness distribution of electroplating equipment for wafers of semiconductor devices of the Precision Machinery Company. The development of this program relied on the cooperation of different business sections within the company and used the electrochemical seawater-corrosion simulation technology developed in its pump business.
“Fundamental Study of Cleaning and Drying Wafer after CMP Process” examines processes subsequent to the CMP process that utilize a visualization method and hydrodynamic considerations. This paper identifies the size of removable particles as determined by the coating state or the flow of the solution and depending on the film type of the wafer, the drying mechanism of small droplets and its formulation, the movement behavior of droplets, etc., to obtain useful knowledge concerning the cleaning and drying of wafers.
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