Issue No. 256〔Special edition〕
Establishing a Technology Brand
Establishing eDYNAMiQ as a Technology Brand
Hidekazu ENDO*
Kazuhiro KANEDA**
- *
Intellectual Property Division
- **
Fluid Machinery & Systems Company
In 2018, Ebara established the technology brand “eDYNAMiQ” to clearly communicate the value of the technologies that our standard pump business has cultivated over the many years of its history. The technology brand “eDYNAMiQ” encompasses Ebara’s prominent technologies in standard pumps represented by “High Efficiency Technology” and “Optimizing Control Technology”. Under “eDYNAMiQ”, Ebara delivers “Stunning Solutions” for every application and occasion to contribute to realizing a better world.
Launching a technology brand introduction project
Technology brands clearly visualize the functions, performance, and development concepts, etc., of products and services; a variety of technology brands have emerged around the world.
Technology brands such as Dolby*1, a traditional acoustic technology brand for movies, videos and music, and Plasmacluster*2, a recent air purifying technology brand, immediately come to mind.
We were also motivated to establish a brand for standard pump technology used by a particularly broad range of Ebara customers in order to clearly communicate the value of the technology we wish to deliver to customers. Thus, we launched the standard pump technology brand introduction project.
*1 Dolby is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories.
*2 Plasmacluster is a trademark of Sharp Corporation.
Globalizing the brand
In introducing the standard pump technology brand, we conducted an external survey concerning the brand images, evaluation of the technology, expectations, etc. of our standard pumps.
We conducted the survey by questionnaire with our overseas distributors and by interview with domestic distributors, in order to increase global recognition and acceptance of the standard pump technology brand.
The results of survey revealed that the general brand image for our standard pumps was one of “high reliability”, and that the pumps’ technical “durability” and “high efficiency” were highly appreciated. What was expected was “enhancement of innovation and quality” and “pursuit of higher durability and efficiency as well as advancement of optimizing control technology, etc.”
Based on these survey results and the intended value of the brand, we built the brand concept (shown in Figure 4), identified various candidates for the brand, and repeated discussion within the company. To narrow down the brand candidates, we focused on “high efficiency technology” and “optimizing control technology”, and proceeded to refine the candidates, research trademarks and select final candidates from these candidates.
Establishing the technology brand “eDYNAMiQ”
In January 2018, we established the technology brand “eDYNAMiQ” to represent our standard pump technology. “eDYNAMiQ,” standing for Eco (Ecology), Dynamic and Integrated Quality, was coined to evoke the features of our standard pump technology.
We also addressed the details of the brand logo (Figure 1). We adjusted the line width and balance of the font with reference to the opinions of foreign employees to make the brand globally accepted. In particular, we made the letter “i” look accentuated by a slightly shorter vertical bar and slightly larger dot than usual (can you tell?).
Domestically we will promote the technology brand “eDYNAMiQ” using trade shows and other channels (Figure 2). Overseas we will promote the brand mainly together with products targeted for the global market. Figure 3 is an example of our promotional materials to globally convey the message that the technologies and products originated in Japan. Together with our brand logo, it incorporates as a motif traditional Japanese umbrellas with patterns that evoke pumps, such as impellers.

Fig. 1 eDYNAMiQ brand logo

Fig. 2 At trade show

Fig. 3 Promotional material for global market
The intended value of the technology brand “eDYNAMiQ”
We show the intended value of the technology brand “eDYNAMiQ” as a three tier brand concept (BC) (Figure 4).
The BC sets the mission of “eDYNAMiQ”, that is, its final goal, as “Saving the hydrosphere of the earth and humanity” in the top tier. Then, in the second tier, in order to fulfill this mission, it promises to offer customers value by “Delivering ‘stunning solutions’ for every application and occasion”. Finally, the third tier suggests that these are built upon Ebara’s exclusive technology for “integrating its own technologies in the fields of fluid dynamics and mechatronics at a high level.”
Our standard pump business owns not only the high efficiency technology for pumps cultivated in its long history, but also a variety of other advanced original technologies, such as miniaturization technology represented by the PM canned motor and optimizing control technology using sensors and controllers. We define technologies created from these integrations as “eDYNAMiQ”, and will deliver “Stunning Solutions” for one application or one occasion after another for customers through our products and services. Please stay tuned.

Fig. 4 eDYNAMiQ brand concept
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