Becoming the best partner for our customers
Keeping pace with the evolution of semiconductors needed around the world and aligning with the global strategies of our customers
Engaging with customers to support the evolution of semiconductors

Smaller, higher-performance, and more environmentally friendly. The world of semiconductor manufacturing surrounding the Precision Machinery Company is constantly evolving. Our customers are comprised of global semiconductor manufacturers. Plants are operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and manufacturers are constantly competing to advance semiconductor manufacturing technology. The current production volume of semiconductors is estimated to be 1 trillion units per year, and technological advances and productivity improvements will contribute significantly to an affluent future. EBARA, as a provider of dry vacuum pumps and CMP systems that are essential to the evolution of semiconductor technology, is also working with our customers to accelerate development.
Becoming the best partner for our customers
This is where our technical and support capabilities cultivated over many years come into play. We do not just manufacture and deliver dry vacuum pumps, one of our mainstay products since the launch of our Precision Machinery Business, but also prevent equipment failure by performing overhauls, in which the pumps are periodically disassembled and inspected to restore them to near-new condition, helping semiconductor plants to remain operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Hoping to become your best partner, we will continue to sincerely listen to the needs of our customers, who are expanding their business globally, and to be engaged in their businesses.
Responding to diverse needs and resolving them quickly
We will work together to solve our customers' technical problems, supply consumables essential to their business operations, and perform maintenance on our products. We have established a hotline to respond immediately to any problems, and closely exchange opinions and discuss not only short-term issues but also medium- to long-term roadmaps for the future. The needs of our customers are extremely diverse and require prompt resolution. Take the example of CMP systems. We offer a wide range of polishing and cleaning technology options depending on the condition of the wafer surface, subsequent processes, and the performance required by customers to meet a wide variety of demands. The required polishing accuracy has currently reached the nanometer (nm) level, and we are aiming for further improvement.
Our solutions cover the entire semiconductor plant. In addition to semiconductor manufacturing equipment and components, we also offer feedwater pumps, cooling towers, and refrigerators, which are essential for plant operation, as a product lineup of the Building Service & Industrial Company. We are the only manufacturer in the world that can offer such a wide range of solutions, from utilities to production processes in semiconductor plants.
Our definition of Best Partner is not limited to perfectly meeting the needs of our customers. It is a uniting of two parties that grow together by instantaneously identifying potential needs and creating solutions to realize them. Harnessing EBARA’s technology and support, we will take on the challenge to elevate standards of living and support an affluent lifestyle for all.