Air conditioning for huge spaces

Maintaining a comfortable temperature in any season to create comfort in large spaces

What makes large spaces such as airports and shopping malls comfortable, even in summer and winter? This is because chiller-heaters that produce cold and warm water make cold water when it is hot and warm water when it is cold and use it to cool or warm the air and supply it through dedicated fans. A variety of equipment plays an unseen role in maintaining a comfortable environment to control the temperature in such large spaces.
The Building Service & Industrial Company also provides a wide range of services, such as air conditioning for buildings, public facilities, and factories, and fans and blowers for indoor ventilation. We utilize EBARA’s extensive product and technological capabilities to offer the best products for our customers’ operating conditions and provide consistent support from product manufacturing and sales to maintenance.
We are also working to reduce life cycle costs, energy, and CO2 emissions by optimizing the environment for cooling/heating systems and help reduce global warming. Even in this field of invisible air, EBARA is committed to contributing to the creation of a comfortable living environment and industrial development.