Pump Systems

Numerical results near the pump bell mouth
Air-entrained vortices from free surface
Submerged vortex from bottom

Model test example for air-entrained vortex

Water Hammer Analysis

>Sudden changes in flow velocity cause transient pressure changes in the pipeline system. This phenomenon called “Water Hammer” may occur by Pump Start / Stop / Trip or Valve Open / Close, and it sometimes damages pipelines, pumps or valves. In particular, some long pipeline systems have high risk for Water Hammer. Therefore, Water Hammer Analysis is required in the system design to avoid damages of pipeline system.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis on the Pumping Station Design

Design of intake channels and suction pits in the pumping stations must be suitable for reliable and efficient pump operation. If inadequate, uneven intake flow or harmful vortex flow which lead to vibration or a drop in performance might be generated. Therefore, CFD analysis shall be calculated to confirm the suitable design of intake channels and suction pits.