Eco and GX Businesses

Harnessing technology to solve the global issues of greenhouse gas and water shortages

Promoting green transformation (GX) and driving social change through clean energy

Greenhouse gas emissions are the biggest contributor to climate change.
Green transformation (GX) is a form of social change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and link these reductions to opportunities for economic growth. EBARA is developing technologies for GX to expand into new business areas.

Social issues and EBARA’s solutions

Development of a Turquoise Hydrogen production process without CO2 emissions during the production process

EBARA is developing a hydrogen and carbon production system utilizing reaction field separation (turquoise hydrogen production technology) that realizes hydrogen production without generating carbon dioxide by stabilizing and effectively utilizing (CCUS) hydrocarbons (methane) with high global warming potential as solid carbon in a continuous circulating process of dry reforming methane (DRM), hydrogen separation, and carbon capture.
Continuing on our work from 2021 to 2022, this system has also been adopted for the NEDO project which started in 2023. Through this business, we aim to implement these processes within society while seeking out new collaborative partnerships.

Hydrogen production flow

Drinking water supply business (WaterKiosk®) to deliver water to 600 million people

Water shortages have become a global problem due to population growth and climate change. EBARA is working to build a business model for the sustainable supply of water to meet the needs of various countries and regions.
As one initiative, in 2021, we entered into a sponsorship agreement to support the drinking water supply business in Kenya through WaterKiosk®, developed by Boreal Light, a German start-up. We are providing safe, clean drinking water to schools and other local communities by installing water purification units that use EBARA’s pumps.
EBARA will continue to create business models to supply water to 600 million people in a stable manner, targeting Africa and other areas with insufficient water supply

Our approach to CCUS (carbon capture, utilization, and storage) for a decarbonized society

In order to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, considered to be a significant contributor to global warming, EBARA plans to focus on technologies other than the turquoise hydrogen production process to develop new technologies for carbon capture, utilization, and storage and establish new business models.
While leveraging EBARA’s technologies, we will be actively involved in external collaboration with companies with prominent technology to create new businesses.