After sales service for custom pumps
Features of After Sales Service
The high quality and relaiability of after sales service are only achived by skilled/experienced sales/field service engineers. EBARA Group employs these engineers and provide them sufficient technical training. These engineers realize EBARA’s service policy of “kind and speedy” to satisfy our customers.
Spare parts supply, revamp of pumps/auxiliary equipment, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and simulations
Spare parts supply service for EBARA pumps
Pumps and their auxiliary equipment should be maintained periodically or based on their conditions.
EBARA provides counsel to customers about spare parts that need maintenance so as to meet the customers’ plan.
If required, EBARA is pleased to provide technical information for the first maintenance, such as structure of pump, function of parts, parts to be replaced/repaired.
EBARA knows that customers want speedy delivery, high quality and reasonable price.
EBARA parts service will satisfy customers’ demands.
Our accumulated diagnostic/preventive engineering expertise and know-how are fully made use of in this service, earning us the title of a reliable provider of services for reducing customer's stock and optimizing maintenance.
Revamp of pump/auxiliary equipment
Pumps and its auxiliary equipments in plants are continuously operated except for periodical inspections and/or inspections based on their conditions.
It is inevitable that not only pumps but also their drivers and other peripheral equipment become subject to time-related deterioration/degradation. EBARA Pump Replacement Service provides remedies to such aging problems of pump systems. Our accumulated diagnostic and preventive engineering expertise and know-how are fully made use of in this service, earning us the title of a reliable provider of services for maximizing the life of pumps.
CFD Service
EBARA can supply CFD analysis service which is specialized for pumps, so we can propose solution for issue due to flow of liquid and cavitations. We also study your pump operating condition, finally we supply retrofit parts that has improved shape or has manufactured from upgraded materials. This service is very popular for EBARA user and Non EBARA user.
Overhaul (O/H) service at our plant/service shops, Damaged parts repair service by welding or thermal spraying
Precision overhaul
Pumps are operated continuously, and are only stopped for planned or condition-based overhauling. Automatically pumps, as well as their drive and peripheral systems, become exposed to aging problems as their years of use increase. EBARA Pump Overhaul Service offers the best solutions to such aging problems.
EBARA's accumulated diagnostics and preventive engineering expertise and know-how will maximize the reliability and life of pump systems.
Our high quality overhauling services can be also provided for other manufacturers.
Parts repair by welding or thermal spraying
When damage of parts is discovered during shut down maintenance (SDM), customer requires repair service to reduce the downtime and/or reduce maintenance costs. When implement welding repair, engineer shall consider about deformation, cracking, and reducing of corrosion resistance. When performing thermal spray/plating repair such as HVOF thermal spray, arc thermal spray, and chromium plating. Engineer shall consider about position which will be repaired, corrosion resistance of base material and overlay material and strength of those material. EBARA has many experience for the repair services to power plant, and industrial plants in Japan and Asia. Especially we can supply the service near the customer site in Japan.
Repair work is usually performed at the same time of the SDMl, or after the SDM (to be used in next SDM).
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