Simulation Technology for Incineration Plants

Our Environmental Plants Business is developing services for the community, with a focus on the construction and operation of waste incineration plants. This section presents EBARA’s current simulation technologies.

Simulation Technology for Incinerator

EBARA incinerators completely incinerate waste at high temperatures to minimize the release of hazardous substances into the environment. At the same time, steam recovered from the incineration heat is used for power generation and other purposes.

To date, EBARA has used CFD simulations to develop incinerators that can provide stable incineration of waste regardless of the type or shape of the waste. Thanks to significant improvements in computer performance in recent years, it is now possible to use new simulation technologies such as particle simulation.

Simulation of grate furnace incinerator

Grate furnace incinerator provide complete incineration of waste in three stages—the drying stage in which waste on the fire grate moves gradually to the next steps to vaporize the moisture, the incineration stage, in which the waste is burned vigorously in strong flames, and the post-combustion stage, in which it is burnt up completely.
Research currently underway is to apply particle simulation technology to simulate how the waste is conveyed along the fire grate.
This will allow us to optimize the shapes and motion of the fire grate for efficient incineration of waste of various shapes and sizes, without actually manufacturing the fire grate.

Simulation of fluidized-bed incinerator

When air is blown up into the incinerator from under the sand bed, the sand is violently agitated, causing it to behave like boiled water.
In a fluidized-bed incinerator, the sand in this state is heated and the waste is thrown into it and incinerated.

Recent improvements in computer performance have made it possible to simulate this complex movement of sand, by applying particle simulation technology.
It is also possible to apply this technology for optimization of waste feeding equipment, which is the key for stable combustion in a fluidized-bed incinerator.

With the aim of stable, safe, and secure operation of incineration facilities over the long term, EBARA will leverage the latest simulation technology to develop highly efficient, high-performance plants.