Brand Statement

EBARA established its new brand statement in April 2017.
This is our One Global Message that represents the corporate attitude of the EBARA Group in the future, of “looking ahead, going beyond expectations” in the spirit of competition and challenge.
‘Ahead’ expresses our leadership, always a step ahead of the competition. ‘Beyond’ expresses our promise to exceed expectations.
As a pioneering industry leader, we are committed to creating products and solutions that go beyond expectations and the imagination of our customers, while looking firmly forward to the opportunities of the future.
‘Ahead, Beyond’ reflects our corporate spirit, never satisfied with the status quo, always reaching for greater heights, and continuing to challenge.
The comma between "Ahead" and "Beyond" is designed as pushing straight forward and bursting with vitality to show our stance of keeping changing dynamically towards the future, and the crimson color represents "passion" and “bond" with our customers. The refreshing blue used in the letters depicts "intellect" created through collaboration of diversity and "youthful spirit" up to challenges all the time.
Brand concept
Since our foundation, the driving forces of our growth have been “challenge” and “creativity.”
This spirit remains strong within us. It is reflected in all our dealings with people internally and externally, our attitude to our work, and the dedication with which we respond to society. It lies at the heart of our professional attitudes of responsibility and pride, and our indomitable will to succeed.
As a world-class manufacturer, we support social infrastructure, drive industrial development, and contribute to richer, safer living and a prospering society. But the world is faced with global issues such as natural disasters and increasing demands on the environment and resources. The Internet of Things is changing the way we live, making our world wider and more digital. Our world is entering an era of change, and so must we.
We will create results that go beyond expectations. We can do this because of our long history, our keen foresight, our cherished relationships, and our ability to change. We can do this because we believe in cooperation based on diversity that goes beyond countries and cultures and the framework of our own organization. And we can do this through our global collective wisdom that fuses together new technology and new ideas.
Looking ahead, going beyond expectations. Ahead, Beyond