Robot inspection service

Helping to increase the number of plant operating days and prevent unexpected problems with the use of advanced robots

The Environmental Solutions Company is promoting the introduction of new technologies such as robots, reducing the time required for inspection and maintenance, and reducing the use of materials and equipment. In 2019, together with hibot Corporation, we jointly developed a small-sized mobile robot for the automatic continuous measurement of water tube thickness (SQUID)* equipped with a submersible ultrasonic flaw detection sensor. The robot inserted from the inspection opening of the boiler moves to the water tube to be measured and inserts the sensor into the water tube to measure the boiler tube thickness automatically and continuously from the inside. We succeeded in a test to measure the thickness of boiler water tubes using this robot technology and now provide services such as detecting wear, corrosion, and other deterioration of boiler water tubes.
Introduction of the robot eliminates preparation work, including cutting parts of the boiler water tube to shorten working time and reducing the necessary materials and equipment, increasing the number of plant operating days and reducing waste. We also contribute to the prevention of unexpected problems through timely and appropriate repairs based on acquired precision data.
We will continue to promote inspection services and Robot as a Service (RaaS) utilizing advanced robot technology.
*SQUID is a registered trademark of hibot Corporation and EBARA Environmental Plant Co., Ltd. in Japan.