Ash recycling

Incinerated ash is attracting increasing attention as an urban mine

The waste treated at the waste incineration facility is burned to ashes and then transported to the final disposal site. The Environmental Solutions Company is currently working to recycle this ash. Smelting reduction technology melts and recrystallizes ash to produce recycled stone materials that are used in road pavements and river revetment work. The molten metal produced by melting ash is rich in base metals such as iron and copper, precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, and rare metals, which are sent to smelting plants around Japan and transformed into valuable raw materials for metals. Through the recycling of metals, we are also able to reduce environmental contamination and the ecological impact of metal mining.

Through a variety of initiatives using these advanced technologies, the ash generated by waste incineration plants is all recycled. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by implementing zero landfill disposal.

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