Boiler feedwater pumps for thermal power plants (China) 

EBARA's largest-scale horizontal multi-stage pumps are operating in thermal power plants in China.

The population of China is estimated to be approximately 1.4 billion. The economy has continued to grow despite population decline in recent years. Energy demand has increased accordingly. The country is promoting renewable energy generation as well as construction plans for new thermal power plants.

EBARA's boiler feed pumps (BFP) were adopted in one of these projects, a commercial thermal power plant. They play an extremely important role at the heart of thermal power plants. Turbines in thermal power plants are powered by high-pressure steam, and the generator directly connected to the turbine rotates to generate electricity. In this process, steam is produced by pumping high-temperature water into the boiler using a boiler feed pump. Boiler feed pumps demand extreme reliability as it is impossible to generate electricity if the boiler feed pump stops.

In line with the widespread use of renewable energy in recent years, thermal power plants are required to cope with severe operating conditions, such as load adjustment to stabilize power generation systems and rapid load changes. Boiler feed pumps also face more severe operating conditions, such as partial load operation and increased frequency of startup/shutdown and are required to have even higher functions and higher reliability.