Contributing to a sustainable society through exhaust abatement technology

Exhaust abatement systems supporting both emerging industries and the global environment

Semiconductors are essential to the evolution of technologies such as generative AI, autonomous driving, and smartphones. The semiconductor manufacturing process is said to involve hundreds of steps, many of which use various special gases. These gases are treated and discharged outside the fab in an environmentally friendly manner in compliance with the laws and regulations of each region, and gas abatement systems are used in a series of air exhaust processes. In recent years, as the entire semiconductor industry becomes more environmentally conscious, demand for gas abatement systems is expected to continue to grow.

Gas abatement systems produced by the Precision Machinery Company have a wide array of uses, such as reducing the high global warming effect of PFCs, safely treating flammable gases, and detoxifying gases containing highly toxic substances that are harmful to humans. We offer a lineup of products for these diverse applications, which can treat a variety of gases using different treatment methods, including combustion, wet, dry, and catalytic systems. Our products, which are point-of-use abatement systems used near the source of gases, eliminate the need for long-distance piping to large treatment facilities. Moreover, their compact design allows for easy installation and relocation at a lower initial cost, making it easy to use not only in mass-production facilities but also for experimental applications.

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