Compressor & Turbine Business
Unique technology, highly reliable products, and global scale service base.
Core components in oil refineries and petrochemical plants, contributing solutions for the issues facing the world today.
Elliott's fully integrated engineering and manufacturing centers in Japan and USA are equipped with parallel manufacturing and testing capabilities, and a global supply chain to ensure quality and consistency for Elliott turbomachinery, regardless of manufacturing location.
Elliott’s global service network includes 19 service centers around the world, and regionally based field service teams to provide a strong local presence.
Whether responding to an emergency, delivering spare or replacement parts, executing repairs, completing a turnaround, or modifying equipment to meet new performance specifications, Elliott’s Global Service organization is recognized for its expertise, performance, and responsiveness for rotating equipment from all manufacturers.
Elliott is committed to contributing to the creation of a sustainable society by delivering state-of-the-art performance and highly reliable products and service.
Share and Achievement,etc.
Ebara's compressor & turbine business operates as Elliott Group.
If you would like more information about Elliott products and services, please visit the Elliott Group web site,
Products introduction
Introduction of delivery record

Elliott refrigerant compressor installed in an MTO (methanol to olefin) plant in China
Refrigeration compressors cool pyrolyzed process gas in MTO applications, an integral step in propylene and ethylene production.

Elliott 110M Compressor Installed in U.S. Polypropylene Plant
At the time of installation, this single-body 110M compressor was the largest centrifugal compressor ever manufactured for hydrocarbon service. The unit is central to propylene production at a southwest US petrochemical plant.

Elliott Steam Turbine Installed at a northeast U.S. Petrochemical Plant
This 100,000 HP (74 MW) behemoth weighs nearly 400,000 pounds and was shipped fully assembled by barge to the ethane cracker plant where it drives the crack gas compressors.

Elliott Cryodynamics® pump installed in an LNG receiving terminal
("Cryodynamics" is a registered trademark of the Elliott Group in the United States.)
To date, Cryodyonamic Products has supplied 113 cryogenic pumps to this receiving terminal in South Korea. This is one of four high-pressure (HP) pumps installed at the facility. Due to the cryogenic operating temperature, condensation turns to ice during commissioining.