Pump, Blower & System Business

Supports the stable supply of water and energy throughout the world with superior technologies and services.

Provides pumps and fans that work hard in every situation, including everyday life, social infrastructure, and industrial facilities.

<small>Building & housing</small><br><small><small>For drinking water & water drainage that are critical for living</small></small>

Building & housing
For drinking water & water drainage that are critical for living

Oil & gas<br><small><small>For production of gasoline & petroleum-derived products</small></small>

Oil & gas
For production of gasoline & petroleum-derived products

Water & sewage<br><small><small>For safe & reliable water and treatment of sewage & rainwater</small></small>

Water & sewage
For safe & reliable water and treatment of sewage & rainwater

Irrigation & agriculture<br><small><small>For agriculture through irrigation facilities</small></small>

Irrigation & agriculture
For agriculture through irrigation facilities

Electricity<br><small><small>For stable production of electricity by power stations</small></small>

For stable production of electricity by power stations

General industry<br><small><small>For production of products that enrich lives</small></small>

General industry
For production of products that enrich lives

EBARA provides high quality and reliable pumps for various facilities on a global scale. They include building services for office buildings and condominiums, water-related infrastructure such as water supply, sewerage, and seawater desalination, and energy-related facilities, including oil refineries and power stations.

EBARA has also pursued the continuous development of highly efficient energy-saving products.

Market Share/Track Records

What is a pump?

A pump is a machine that transfers and pressurizes fluids.
Left on their own, fluids will only flow downward from above to below. Without a pump, it would be impossible to obtain water from water pipes in office buildings and condominiums, or to take in water from rivers or discharge it for irrigation or flood control purposes.
The production of electricity, petroleum, and plastics, which are used in everyday life, requires the transfer of fluids at high pressure.
EBARA also provides pumps for units and systems to achieve the transfer and pressurization of fluids in secure and efficient ways.

What are fans and blowers?

Fans and blowers are machines that transfer and pressurize air or other gases. Fans are vital equipment to ventilate rooms and to facilitate smoke exhaust in the case of fire.
To promote combustion in iron furnaces and boilers, blowers are needed to add high pressure to gases.
In this way, even in the invisible domain of air, EBARA contributes to the creation of comfortable living environments and to industrial development.

Pump, Blower & System Business

Case Studies

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