EBARA has developed and released a new centrifugal chiller model RTXF, featuring lower energy consumption, a compact size, and a shorter delivery period. Posi...
An antifreeze called brine of which the temperature is approximately -20 °C, is used by facilities such as chemical plants to cool process loads. While EBARA has...
EBARA constructed a large-size industrial cooling tower for Inner Mongolia Yitai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. This cooling tower, which contains an air-cooled he...
Seawater desalination is believed to be one of solutions for the challenge of global water scarce. Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) has been employed widely as o...
For incineration plants that use chlorine-containing fuel, chlorine-induced corrosion is an unavoidable issue. The most important key for high temperature...
EBARA constructed and completed a municipal waste treatment plant for Musashino City at the end of March 2017. The plant combines the basic functions of a waste i...
Due to the aging of the existing incineration plant (capacity: 435 tons/day), which began operation in 1992, Ebara constructed a new stoker-type incineration...
We delivered stoker-type incineration facilities in the Songjiang and Fengxian Districts of Shanghai, China, conducted performance tests, and handed the fa...
In June 2016, our remote support center for waste incineration facilities was established in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and started real-time remot...