Issue No. 254〔Delivered Products & Systems〕

Report on Delivery and Operation Condition of Grate-Type (Stoker-Type) Waste-to-Energy Plants with High Energy-Efficiency Flue Gas Treatment System Corresponding to the EU Emission Standards in China (Songjiang and Fengxian, Shanghai)



Zhengbing WANG**

Wengang ZHANG**

Zhenpeng SUN**


Ebara Environmental Plant Co., Ltd.


Ebara Qingdao Co., Ltd.

EBARA delivered two grate-type incineration facilities to Songjiang (500 t/d × 4 lines) and Fengxian (500 t/d × 2 lines) Waste-to-Energy Plants in Shanghai City, China. Performance tests were completed in November 2016. These are the ninth and tenth plants that the EBARA group has delivered incineration facilities in mainland China. Both plants were constructed in Shanghai, the largest city of China, and the EU emission standard, which is the highest level of flue gas regulation in China, is applied. To comply with the standard, wet type flue gas treatment system was adopted; in addition, a gas-gas heat exchanger (GGH) was also employed for energy efficiency improvement. This paper reports on the state-of-the-art flue gas treatment technology with a combination of the dry process (calcium hydroxide injection) and the wet process (wet scrubbers), cost performance improvement by employing GGH, the operational status of the facilities to date, and the results of the performance tests.

Keywords: Municipal solid waste, Grate-type incinerator, Environment, Flue gas treatment, Wet scrubber, GGH, China, Shanghai, Songjiang, Fengxian

1. Introduction

We delivered stoker-type incineration facilities in the Songjiang and Fengxian Districts of Shanghai, China, conducted performance tests, and handed the facilities over to Special Purpose Companies (SPC) of Songjiang and Fengxian plant in November and early October 2016, respectively (Figure 1 and Figure 2).

SPC, which acquired a concession from Shanghai government, constructed these Waste-to-Energy plants, and the Ebara Group performed the basic design of waste incineration system and supplied the major equipment such as furnace and auxiliaries, core component of the flue gas treatment system and the automatic combustion control (ACC) system, etc.

Fig. 1 Waste-to-Energy plant in Songjiang District, Shanghai

Fig. 2 Waste-to-Energy plant in Fengxian District, Shanghai

2. Overview of Shanghai

Shanghai is the largest city in China, and one of the direct-controlled municipalities under the central government. It consists of 15 administrative divisions and covers a total area of 6620 km2 , including the Pudong New Area, with a total population of approximately 24.20 million.

Shanghai has a northern subtropical climate and four distinct seasons, a good percentage of sunshine, and relatively high precipitation. Shanghai is situated at almost the same latitude as Kyushu, Japan, and has a short spring and autumn and a relatively long summer and winter.

The average yearly temperature is approximately 17.4 ℃, and 50 % of the city’s yearly precipitation is concentrated in May through September.

Shanghai’s location in Mainland China is shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3 Location of Shanghai in Mainland China

3. Overview of the Incineration Facilities

Table 1 shows the lower calorific value and composition of waste in the Songjiang and Fengxian Districts of Shanghai, Figure 4 shows a flow diagram of the plants, and Table 2 shows the specifications of the units.

The emission control values are shown in Table 3. The O211% equivalent value is the flue gas standard value at the outlet of the stack, and the O212% equivalent value is the value converted into the standard oxygen concentration in the units used in Japan.

Fig. 4 Flow diagram of plants

Table 1 Lower calorific value and composition of design waste
Item Low-calorific waste Design waste High-calorific waste
Lower calorific value 4187 kJ/kg 6699 kJ/kg 8374 kJ/kg
Moisture content 56.19 % 48.40 % 43.21 %
Combustible content 25.23 % 33.44 % 38.91 %
Ash content 18.58 % 18.16 % 17.88 %
Cl 0.27 % 0.32 % 0.35 %
S 0.09 % 0.11 % 0.12 %
Table 2 Specifications of units
Item Type, specification
Incinerator Ebara model HPCC*1 stoker-type incinerator
Treatment capacity:
Songjiang Plant: 2000 t/d (500 t/24 h× 4 lines)
Fengxian Plant: 1000 t/d (500 t/24 h× 2 lines)
Boiler*3 Natural circulation type water tube boiler with superheater
Evaporation amount:
Songjiang Plant: 47 t/h (max. 52 t/h)×4 boiler units
Fengxian Plant: 47 t/h (max. 52 t/h)×2 boiler units
Steam condition: 400 ℃×4.0 MPa (Gauge pressure, outlet of superheater
Steam turbine power generator*4 Steam turbine (condensing type) with power generator
Turbine rating:
18 MW×2 units (Songjiang Plant)
18 MW×1 unit (Fengxian Plant)
Power generator rating:
20 MW×2 units (Songjiang Plant)
20 MW×1 unit (Fengxian Plant)
Flue gas treatment equipment*3 Dust collection method: Bag filter
HCl and SOx removal method: Dry process (calcium hydroxide injection), wet process (caustic soda), GGH (gas-gas heat exchanger)
Denitration method: SNCR*2
Dioxins removal method: Activated carbon injection method
Stack External cylinder: Made of reinforced concrete; Internal cylinder: Made of steel
Height: 80 m
*1 HPCC: High Pressure Combustion Control
*2 SNCR: Selective Non Catalytic Reduction
*3 Undertaken by Ebara Group: Basic design; Undertaken by SPC: Purchase
*4 Undertaken by SPC: Basic design, purchase
Table 3 Flue gas standard values at the outlet of the stack
Item O211% equivalent value O212% equivalent value
Dust ≦10 mg/m3(NTP) ≦9 mg/m3(NTP)
Sulfur oxide SOx ≦50 mg/m3(NTP) ≦15.8 ppm
Nitrogen oxide NOx ≦200 mg/m3(NTP) ≦87.7 ppm
Hydrogen chloride HCl ≦10 mg/m3(NTP) ≦5.5 ppm
Carbon monoxide CO ≦50 mg/m3(NTP) ≦36.0 ppm
Dioxins ≦0.1 ng-TEQ/m3(NTP) ≦0.09 ng-TEQ/m3(NTP)

4. Scope of Delivery, Performance Guarantee, and Construction Schedule

Unlike in Japan, construction of Waste-to-Energy plants in China, is often undertaken by the SPC itself who secures the project. Consequently, we are responsible for the basic design (including a part of detailed design) of the incineration system, delivering main equipment of incineration facilities (grate incinerator, hydraulic drive unit, burners, ACC system and waste hopper level sensor) and core component of flue gas treatment system, and dispatching supervisors. The guaranteed items are shown in Table 4.

The construction schedule is shown in Table 5. The period from the contract award to the turn over of the facility was 3 years and 3 months for Songjiang plant and 3 years and 2 months for Fengxian plant.

Table 4 Guaranteed items
Item Guaranteed item
Annual accumulating operating time 8000 hours or longer
Operation range (Load of amount of incineration) 60 to 110 %
However, the 110 % load is within 2 hours/day.
Temperature at outlet of incinerator 850 ℃ or over, for 2 seconds or longer
Ignition loss of ash 3 % or less
Boiler efficiency 80 % or over
Grate replacement rate Operating time
8000 hours Less than 4%
16000 hours Less than 11%
24000 hours Less than 15%
32000 hours Less than 18%
Consumption of chemicals by flue gas treatment equipment
*Design waste quality
Under 100 % load
Urea 0 kg/t (waste) or less
Caustic soda (30 %) 9.5 kg/t (waste) or less
Calcium hydroxide 8.8 kg/t (waste) or less
Activated carbon 0.58 kg/t (waste) or less
Table 5 Construction schedule
Item Songjiang plant Fengxian plant
Contract August 2013 August 2013
Installation of units September 2014 to April 2016 October 2014 to May 2016
Commissioning (waste incineration) May to October 2016 June to September 2016
Hand-over November 2016 October 2016

5. Features of the plants

The features of the Songjiang and Fengxian plants include a wet flue gas treatment system with distinguished acid gas removal performance to comply with the highest flue gas regulation value in China (equivalent to the EU emissions standard), and a highly corrosion-resistant GGH (gas-gas heat exchanger) made of resin with the aim of reducing the amount of steam necessary for flue gas reheating and improving energy efficiency. They also adopt a dry flue gas treatment process using relatively low-cost calcium hydroxide injection to remove acid gases to some extent. This is to reduce the consumption of the wet flue gas treatment agent (caustic soda) and thereby the total cost of chemicals.

The Ebara Group proposed these processes to the SPC at the stage of basic design, and the SPC adopted them.

In the sections that follow, we explain these features in detail and report the performance of the incineration facility in Fengxian plant representing the two plants based on the operation results.

5.1 State-of-the-art flue gas treatment with both dry and wet processes

The dry sodium bicarbonate injection process described in the report before last (Ebara Engineering Review No. 252) is one of the approach to complying with the emission control value (hydrogen chloride concentration: 10 mg/m3 (NTP) or less) equivalent to the EU standard. However this plant adopted wet type flue gas treatment proses, which removes acid gases (HCl, SOx) by circulating water with neutralizer (caustic soda).

The wet flue gas treatment unit requires a relatively large amount of makeup water, but it was adopted without any difficulty because the Shanghai region has rich water resources.

The wet scrubber adopted for this plant is a perforated plate type. The combustion flue gas is rapidly cooled almost to the saturation temperature by the circulating water kept in the lower part of the scrubber, and acid gases are removed as the circulating water containing caustic soda and the flue gas are exposed sufficiently to each other by the three-layer perforated plate installed in the upper part of the scrubber.

To reduce the cost of the chemicals used for the wet treatment process, a dry treatment process (which uses relatively low-cost calcium hydroxide) is also adopted in the preceding stage.

In the dry treatment process, acid gases are removed by calcium hydroxide powder injected into the flue gas duct at the inlet of the bag filter.

The reaction between acid gases and calcium hydroxide is an exothermic reaction, and the temperature of the acid gases affects the removal efficiency. To improve the acid gas removal performance with calcium hydroxide, the outlet temperature of the flue gas cooler is generally adjusted to 150 to 160 ℃ .

At this plant, however, the outlet temperature of the flue gas cooler is set to 175 ℃ to indirectly heat the flue gas at the outlet of the wet type flue gas treatment unit, using the flue gas at its inlet via the GGH.

The injected amount of calcium hydroxide is set to an equivalent ratio ensuring the highest level of economy after a comprehensive evaluation of the cost of the chemicals used for the dry and wet treatment processes.

5.1.1 Performance of the dry type flue gas treatment unit

The flue gas treatment equipment in Fengxian plant has demonstrated stable performance since the facility began operation in June 2016. The performance of the dry and wet type flue gas treatment process of Fengxian plant is described below.

The changes in the HCl and SOx concentrations on the upstream and downstream sides of the dry type flue gas treatment unit are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6, respectively.

The temperature of the flue gas at the time of measurement was 175 ℃ , and the average value of the HCl concentration decreased from 229.5 ppm to 65.3 ppm with the aid of the dry type flue gas treatment unit (O212% equivalent value). The average value of the SOx concentration decreased from 20.8 ppm to 10.8 ppm (O212% equivalent value).

The removal performance by dry calcium hydroxide injection declines as the temperature of the flue gas increases, but we confirmed the satisfactory performance of reducing the acid gas concentration at the inlet of the wet type flue gas treatment unit by roughly removing acid gases even when the temperature of the flue gas is 175 ℃ (Table 6).

Fig. 5 HCl concentration on the upstream and downstream
sides of the dry type flue gas treatment unit

Fig. 6 SOx concentration on the upstream and downstream
sides of the dry type flue gas treatment unit

Table 6 Acid gas removal efficiency of the dry type flue gas treatment unit 1)
Item Value
Temperature of gas at the inlet of the flue gas cooler 175 ℃
Equivalent ratio of calcium hydroxide 1.2
HCl removal rate 71.5 %
SOx removal rate 48.1 %

5.1.2 Performance of the wet type flue gas treatment unit

[1] Acid gas removal performance

The changes in the HCl and SOx concentrations on the upstream and downstream sides of the wet type flue gas treatment unit are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8, respectively.

The average value of the HCl concentration decreased from 65.3 ppm to 1.9 ppm with the aid of the wet type flue gas treatment unit (O212% equivalent value). The average value of the SOx concentration decreased from 11.0 ppm to 3.1 ppm (O212% equivalent value).

The HCl and SOx removal rates are approximately 97 % and 85 %, respectively.

Fig. 7 HCl concentration on the upstream and downstream
sides of the wet type flue gas treatment unit 1)

Fig. 8 SOx concentration on the upstream and downstream
sides of the wet type flue gas treatment unit

[2] Effects of pH

The pH of the circulating water directly affects the reaction efficiency, which rises as the pH increases. However, an excessively high pH increases the scale concentration in the circulating water, resulting in the possibility of occlusion of piping, etc. In this plant, the unit is operated with a pH of around 6.5 and can fully satisfy the flue gas control value under this condition (Table 7).

Table 7 Relationship between pH and acid gas removal performance
Item Case 1 Case 2
pH adjustment range 6.0~6.5 6.7~7.1
HCl removal rate 97.1 % 97.3 %
SOx removal rate 84.7 % 89.7 %

[3] Effects of salt concentration

Salt concentration monitoring is the key in the stable operation of the wet scrubber. As the salt concentration in the circulating water increases, it is likely that scale will adhere to the circulation piping, the pump, etc. and have a detrimental effect on the stable operation of the units.

The optimum salt concentration depends on the operating conditions. We found that although the flue gas treatment system can operate stably and without any problems with a salt concentration of a little less than 5 %, it causes the local formation of crystals when the salt concentration exceeds 8 %.

5.2 Realization of high energy efficiency by adopting a GGH

When waste incineration facilities adopt a wet type flue gas treatment unit, a steam heater is installed in a later stage of the wet scrubber in many cases to reheat the flue gas cooled in the wet scrubber to prevent lowtemperature corrosion or reduce white smoke. Consequently, many incineration facilities adopting a wet type flue gas treatment unit consume a large amount of steam in processes, produce less electric power, and experience economic difficulties.

This plant achieves both advanced flue gas treatment and high energy efficiency and ensures higher economy by adopting a highly corrosion-resistant GGH made of resin and through the process of indirectly reheating the flue gas at the outlet of the wet type flue gas treatment unit using the flue gas at its inlet without using steam to reheat the flue gas.

In China, it is rarely that white smoke exhausted from the stacks of Waste-to-Energy plants become a problem. However, this plant was to be constructed in Shanghai, which is one of the largest cities in China, and is required to reduce white smoke.

The temperature of the flue gas at the outlet of the wet scrubber is approximately 65 ℃ . To reduce white smoke from the outlet of the stack and prevent lowtemperature corrosion of the duct and the stack, this plant adopts the process of heating the flue gas to approximately 125 ℃ , which is higher than the sulfuric acid dew point, by the GGH and discharging it into the air through the stack.

Examples of the design values and actual operation values of the GGH operated in Fengxian plant are shown in Table 8.

We confirmed that the heat exchange performance of the GGH is almost as designed.

This means that approximately 21200 tons of steam can be saved per year, assuming that this plant is operated for 8000 hours yearly and that the conditions of the steam used for the flue gas reheater are 1.3 MPa and 300 ℃ (superheated steam). This can help increase the annual electric power output by approximately 3200 MW per year.

In addition, the temperature of the flue gas at the inlet of the wet scrubber is generally set to approximately 150 to 160 ℃, but in this plant, consumption of water is successfully reduced compared to regular wet scrubbers because the temperature of the flue gas at the inlet is reduced to approximately 110 ℃ thanks to the GGH.

The temperature of the flue gas at the outlet of the wet scrubber is low (65 ℃), and it may corrode the steel pipe heat exchanger. However, the GGH adopted is made of PTFE resin, and it was confirmed that 11 months after the commencement of operation, it was sound and free of corrosion, wear, etc.

Table 8 GGH operation data
Item Unit Design value Operation value
Amount of flue gas at the inlet of the GGH (high-temperature side) m3/h(NTP) 84700 79627
Temperature of flue gas at the inlet of the GGH (high-temperature side) 170 176
Temperature of flue gas at the inlet of the wet scrubber 111 116
Temperature of flue gas at the outlet of the wet scrubber 65 67
Temperature of flue gas at the inlet of the stack 125 126

6. Performance Test Results

In a performance test, all items met the guaranteed values, except for those that could not be verified for reasons on the client’s side. The performance test results of the incineration facility in Fengxian plant are shown in Table 9.

The incineration facility in Songjiang plant also met the guaranteed values of all items.

Table 9 Performance test results of the incineration facility in Fengxian plant (100 % load)
No. Guaranteed item Unit Guaranteed value Incinerator No. 1 Incinerator No. 2 Judgment
1 Waste treatment capacity t/d ≧500.0 526.2 560.8 Passed
2 Boiler efficiency % ≧80.00 80.95 81.39 Passed
3 Flow rate of main steam t/h ≧47.00 48.29 47.62 Passed
4 Temperature of main steam 395~403 393.1*5 397.6 Passed
5 Pressure of main steam MPa 3.80~4.20 3.86 3.88 Passed
6 Ignition loss of ash % ≦3.00 1.95 1.76 Passed
7 Retention time of flue gas at 850 ℃ s ≧2.0 3.9 3.8 Passed
8 Lower calorific value of waste*6 kJ/kg 6699 6796.3 6357.6
9 Noise
Hydraulic unit dB(A) <85 79.4 79.7 Passed
10 Flue gas at outlet of stack (NTP, dry, O211%)
Dust mg/m3 ≦10 6.8 5.9 Passed
Hydrogen chloride mg/m3 ≦10 9.2 7.8 Passed
Hydrogen fluoride mg/m3 ≦1 0.3 0.2 Passed
Sulfur oxide mg/m3 ≦50 4.5 3 Passed
Nitrogen oxide mg/m3 ≦200 187.9 199.4 Passed
Carbon monoxide mg/m3 ≦50 5.3 5.9 Passed
TOC mg/m3 ≦10 0.4 0.4 Passed
Hg and compound mg/m3 ≦0.05 8E-05 3.7E-05 Passed
Cd and compound mg/m3 ≦0.05 Not detected Not detected Passed
Pb and compound mg/m3 ≦0.3 0.009 0.004 Passed
Other heavy metals mg/m3 ≦0.5 0.219 0.214 Passed
Blackness of flue gas Ringelmann ≦1 <1 <1 Passed
11 Consumption of chemicals by flue gas treatment equipment
Activated carbon kg/t of waste ≦0.58 0.46 0.44 Passed
Calcium hydroxide kg/t of waste ≦8.8 6.59 6.34 Passed
Caustic soda kg/t of waste ≦9.5 5.49 5.77 Passed
Urea water kg/t of waste 0 0 0 Passed
*5 The item was judged to have passed the test because the main steam did not reach the reference temperature for reasons on the SPC’s side.
*6 Pass/fail judgment is not made because it is not a guaranteed item.

7. Conclusion

In many cases, incineration facilities operated in large cities in China are required to achieve the highest level of environmental performance from a global perspective. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a process that can comply with the different design conditions and customer requirements of each facility and ensure both environmental performance and economy.

Following up on the report before last, this report describes China’s incineration facilities, which are outfitted with state-of-the-art flue gas treatment equipment capable of achieving a hydrogen chloride concentration of 10 mg/m3 (NTP).

The report before last covered a different flue gas treatment process (combining a semi-dry calcium hydroxide slurry injection and dry sodium bicarbonate injection) from the flue gas treatment system described herein. We hope you will read that report as well.

We are determined to further continue to improve technology and contribute to waste treatment and environmental conservation in China.

In conclusion, we would like to thank all those who helped in this project.


1) Kazushige Kurosawa, Zhengbing Wang, et al.: Report on the Establishment and Stable Operation of Incineration Treatment Technology for Stoker-Type Incinerators in China (3rd Report), Technical Papers for the 38th National Urban Cleaning Research and Case Study Workshops (January 2017).
2) Kazushige Kurosawa, Zhibao Zhang, Shengbing Wang: Report on Delivery and Operational Condition of Gratetype (Stoker-type) Incinerator with Advanced Flue Gas Treatment System in China -Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province-, Ebara Engineering Review, No. 252, pp. 64-68 (October 2016).

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